Faded Tulip Romance

faded tulips


I love when tulips end like this.

Reminds me that every stage is beautiful, has something to offer.




7 responses to “Faded Tulip Romance”

  1. Kathie B

    And then they go onto the compost heap, where they can decompose and recycle into food for the next generation of plants!

  2. Vicki’s Parade

    I love when tulips begin to dwindle, too. There is a fragility about them that is just beautiful. They sigh and surrender, no longer resisting the pull of gravity, the petals curling into themselves, and their flowers develop the texture of crepe like my beautiful grandmother’s skin as she approached her nineties.

  3. Makes ne smile – we call it the tulip dance – each day brings a new pose.

  4. Stephanie

    It’s The artistic eye that picks up on the beauty of fading glory.

  5. Sharon CrigSt

    Actually, quite beautiful! ❤️

  6. I love tulips like this too. Sometimes my husband doesn’t understand when I keep a bouquet in the house when it looks like this.

  7. you are so lovely…xxoo…. jody

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