Some say this is an old wire salad basket, where the washed salad was put inside then one would take the salad in the basket outside and swoosh it back and forth to dry the wet salad leaves. Others will say this wired basket from the 1900s was used to collect eggs. I am going to say it collects stories and mixes ideas so creativity can flow.
The delicate iron hands are door knockers called, "Fatima's hand", they have gathered their share of salads, eggs, and have seen people come and go.
Today is day number four of the French la Vie, we have been to two massive antique markets and countless private home brocantes. We were going to go to another antique market this morning, but the group opted to take a day to rest, regroup, pack some of their purchases to be ready for tomorrow's big antique market in Carpentras. When you travel with a small group, and with a local, you have the freedom to change your course, to breath in what you want and sit with what you have.
We are staying in my home so comfort is reassured and it gives my guests a sense of home since most of them have been
reading my blog we feel like we know one another, and they know every nook and cranny of where I live.
The portrait of Saint Martha taming the Tarrasque (The Tarasque is a fearsome legendary dragon-like mythological hybrid from Provence, in southern France, tamed…)
hangs in the hallway and protects the coming and going between the three floors of my home.
Jennifer a friend of mine back from when I lived in the Bay Area, came to France to help with the driving and be part of the group, Jennifer is a ball of extraordinary energy she has been like a right arm for me. The Brocante Bug bite her hard in less than one hour at the brocante… Though I wasn't surprised at the brocante bug as it bites nearly everyone I know. Jennifer is attracted to primintive, rustic charming antiques and has the same eye as my mom, they would be rivals at the brocante.
What type of antiques do you like?
If you ever come to Frence what would you lire to see?
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