Pregnant and Beautiful

Chelsea 8 months


Chelsea came home for a few days as she is on maternity leave.

There is something surreal to see my daughter full and ripe with a baby in her womb. I have felt the baby move, watched her belly roll around, have witnessed the glow of love in her eyes and yet a baby is hard to imagine, a living person, a reincarnation of family cells.

Surreal beauty with deeply felt anticipation stirs within us.

 Forever life growing amongst us. Tender are these days ahead.


Pregnant 8 months


I have one more French la Vie before the baby is to be born, it starts next week I hope the baby isn't born then. After the French la Vie I will leave for Paris for a month. Then around July third Chelsea and Martin will come and stay in Provence for two months. And they think that after two months they will return to their home in Paris. I think I will keep the baby, how will I ever say goodbye after two months of doting?


Chelsea with Child

A full circle embracing past, present, and future.



17 responses to “Pregnant and Beautiful”

  1. Martina

    She’s always been beautiful! Oh what a joyous time for your family. It will be so difficult for you when the little family heads back to Paris, but you can always go visit! Love love 💗

  2. Judith Busch

    Oh Corey! So much joy is coming! Just wait.

  3. Charlotte

    Oh good! We’re coming home the two last weeks of August, hopefully we will get to meet the little one!

  4. Beautiful images of your beautiful, glorious daughter. I’m very happy they’ll be spending precious time in Provence.

  5. Beautiful, just beautiful…..

  6. Beautiful. I wish you all the very best.
    Treasure the delight of these magical moments
    Love to you all

  7. Jacklynn Lantry

    This is your happiest story yet! I can’t wait to “meet “the wee one.

  8. charland

    Peace and inner glow – Beautiful.

  9. Beautiful Pro-Life post!

  10. Paula Tyner


  11. Sharon Crigger-Stokan

    Such a beautiful post for your beautiful daughter and grandchild! You have such a way with words! I love your heart! Oh the anticipation!

  12. Chico Sue

    Hands and arms embracing this wee being even before it is introduced to the world. What a loving preparation for the life before this little fellow. Simply lovely.

  13. Diogenes

    Chelsea looks lovely! I’m so happy for all of you. Has a name been picked yet?

  14. Stubblejumpers Cafe

    If you are anything like my spouse, who is now a grandfather of two, you may begin to think of moving to live near your grandbabies. My husband isn’t, actually, but sometimes it sure sounds like he is! -Kate

  15. So exciting the anticipation! Love this post, Corey.

  16. Renee McLeod

    I think you’re going to have to buy the apt. Next door to them!

  17. Marilyn

    So wonderful! Happy, happy for you all!

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