What Do I Look For at the Brocante

Brocante View, French la vie, Corey  Amaro



When asked what I look for at the brocante I answer I look for anything that speaks to me, I look for things for our home, to sell, to give, to understand, to admire…


But the thing is once I start looking at one thing it leads to another and then another and then it takes me on a quest to find one older or more unusual, which leads to stories… it just doesn't stop. The deeper I go into the brocante the more curious I become and the more I discover.

It is a wonderland of a rabbit hole to fall into.


Brocante View, French la vie, Corey  Amaro


Like a key that opens up a drawer to a chest where linens have rested and in between the linens are pressed flowers and postcards, stamps, letters received or never sent, and candy boxes with buttons, and cards, then there are books, and unfinished sewing projects with the thread and needle still attached, and a needle case, or a notebook with sketches, and a box of pastels.



Brocante View, French la vie, Corey  Amaro


An unsigned painting with tears in just the right places that at first glance it looks like insects.





Brocante View, French la vie, Corey  Amaro




Brocante View, French la vie, Corey  Amaro





Brocante View, French la vie, Corey  Amaro



Brocante View, French la vie, Corey  Amaro


and broken element like pieces of a puzzle, "Where did this come from and where does it belong?" 



Brocante View, French la vie, Corey  Amaro




The brocante feeds my soul: Teaches me about history, art, faith, creativity and the beauty of everyday life and living.

What do I look for at the brocante?










4 responses to “What Do I Look For at the Brocante”

  1. Diogenes

    Love the fashion drawing! Brocante is like being set loose in the See’s factory. But without the calories.

  2. I so agree with Diogenes!
    The unsigned floral with tears is exquisite….and I wish we had both the brocante and See’s in Oz.

  3. Charland

    They touch the soul….and so many are heart breakers.

  4. Rose Upshur

    Oh, God, how many miracles you have! I love old things, they smell nice

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