A Day of Newness

Image from Pinterest, no link available



Early in the morning soon after Baby Gabriel breastfed I took him for a walk in his stroller to give Chelsea a needed few hours of rest.

As soon as I stepped outside my senses turned towards imagining life through the senses of Gabriel.

We walked along the babbling river with the century-old Plantain branches creating a canopy overhead. The filtered light danced around Gabriel's plump face as the breeze waved through the leaves and brought a scent of oleander, pine, and fig. Taking each moment in as if it were the first time letting my senses burst with newness as I experienced the smell, sight, sound… as I imagined Gabriel was doing. Whispering the names to him of what our senses were encountering…

Water cool on this summer day hear it running to the sea.

Figs recently gathered but the scent remains.

The gravel underfoot makes a crackling sound.

The warmth of the sun rays.

Dogs barking, morning birds singing, a symphony of cigales. I ran your fingers over leaves, bark, water from the fountain on the square, rosemary and a remaining rose. Butterflies gracefully flew around. Magical mystical Sacred day if only every day I would be aware of its gift.

The world was a prayer of life, even the air was tasted in gulps and gentleness.






11 responses to “A Day of Newness”

  1. Marilyn

    What a beautiful walk. I am sure he loved it and learned.

  2. Martina

    That was so wonderfully written. ❤️❤️

  3. Beautiful.

  4. Jacklynn Lantry

    What, no baby pictures??? 🙂 (Beautifully written btw)

  5. Amen to all of this. Yes, seeing every day anew with the eyes of a child 🙂

  6. If you want to feel joy spend time with a baby.
    Everything is all brand new again.
    Thanks for all you share.
    Love Jeanne

  7. Oh my…what a beautiful morning…rediscovering what is there everyday..,, a new baby gives us new eyes to see and appreciate it all…

  8. Paula Tyner

    How wonderful to greet the day in this way.

  9. Texas Francophile

    As only you could word it. Luck little guy to have you as his Grammy♥️

  10. Diogenes

    ” a symphony of cigales” With that description I can hear them! What a wonderful gran you are to Gabriel. BTW that wall paper in the first picture is awesome!

  11. I love your descriptive narrative of what you were seeing, smelling and hearing in your surroundings. I don’t know what Bebe Gabriel was thinking but I was wishing I were there to experience France in summertime! What a blessing to enjoy life as you do! 💗

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