Month: September 2019
A Taste for Life
When each bite is delicious, when you do not have to search for the flavor, then a little is enough. I once read somewhere, that when you take a bite of something without much flavor our appetite keeps…
Wearing the Crown
Wear the crown. The one that rests upon your heart. The one that has been with you since you were born. Hold it, feel it, admire it, treasure it. Some might say it is a crown, but we know…
The Heart Knows What it Wants, or Does it?
Months have gone by where I have been asking myself why do I have a writer's block? Not that I am a writer per se, but someone who has a little blog that floats aimlessly. Not that floating is bad,…
Join Me in France
A month ago I listed the 2020 French la Vie Journeys and am grateful how fast most of them have filled up. There are a few spots left so I am listing them here in case you are interested…
Brocante Heaven
Several months ago at the flea market here in France, I was digging through a box, pulling out one piece of antique linen after another. I love moments like this… a cardboard treasure chest and nobody around to watch…