Happiness Shared



13 responses to “Happiness Shared”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    Oh my gosh, kiss that cutie-patootie for me!

  2. Adorable! Loved yesterday’s architecture photos too. 😉

  3. That’s one happy little guy…lots of love in that photo.💕

  4. So precious. Thanks for all you share with us.
    Much love

  5. Pure love.

  6. Happiness personified!,,

  7. What a delightful photo – the father and son.

  8. Beautiful photo of love!

  9. So sweet!!!

  10. Elizabeth Schaeffer

    pure joy. what love. i think his ears are formed just as his dad’s.

  11. Incredible Joy!

  12. Leslie in Oregon

    One of life’s greatest moments!💜

  13. Does it get any better than that moment on little one’s face; pure joy.

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