Boy Lo




Boy Lo has not been feeling well these last few days. He has had a mild fever. The doctor said it is a bad cold. It is not in his lungs nor throat. Martin the flu last week, and now Gabriel. I am in Paris helping them out. He sleeps in our arms and whimpers. Gabriel lost a pound. I think I gained ten. 

Poor little Boy Lo. 


8 responses to “Boy Lo”

  1. Oh no! It is always so hard to see the little ones sick. I hope he feels better very soon.

  2. Let’s hope he’s feeling better soon, and that nobody else catches it.

  3. RebeccaNYC

    Is there anything sadder than a sick baby? Poor little button, here’s hoping he’s back to his usual SOON!

  4. So sorry little Gabriel is not feeling well. Sending healing thoughts.💕

  5. Prayers for everyone to feel better.
    Such a sweet little boy.
    Much love

  6. Teddee Grace

    Hope Gabriel is feeling better soon!

  7. Prayers for little Gabriel.
    xoxo jody


    pobre niño
    salud para él!

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