There is so much to say, there is so little to say.
Gabriel is still not feeling well. It has been over a week that he has been out of sorts, feverish, not his extroverted overly curious little dumpling self (he lost a pound)… Chelsea and Marin are taking him to the doctor's again tomorrow. I am saying this to let you know that Gabriel though sicky it is a bad cold.
There is another very recent news in my family that I cannot mention in full that is devastating. Please understand accept that I will share it as soon as it is mine to share. I am going home on February sixth to be with my family and add support. In the meantime, I might only post quotes and photos until I can share more openly. I am sorry to write this in a way that is non-disclosing, and disturbing. For the most part, I am transparent on my blog though recently have found myself at odds since I cannot share what is going on and feel the need to say something. This is saying something… bear with me.
Please please pray for my family for a miracle.
Thank you for being the best support community one could ever want or need.
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