Blackberry Faith

blackberry faith

My mother sees blackberries on the dry winter branches,

she feels the sweetness in her hand

and smells the pie baking in the oven knowing soon her grandchildren will gather around her table laughing with blackberry pie in their mouths.

My mother sees goodness in things that are invisible to most of us she believes in love and God and puts her faith there, she sees the goodness of any moment no matter how dark the day can be.

I see the dried blackberry bush that grows along the dry dirt path. I see the promising clouds that did not give rain and I wonder if there will be blackberries to make pies and worry that they have been sprayed.

I question, doubt, turn things over, and I am far too curious I see both sides and bite my lip, while my mother believes in the berries.

My mother's faith leads me back to our lovely home she takes the fear, doubts, and uncertainty and puts them in a safe place called undying faith then she reaches out bringings others to it by saying we’re gonna have a delicious blackberry pie this summer will you help me pick them? By her faith, her example, her courage to focus on the goodness we smell the pie and see the path leading us to happier times.

My mother lives her life following faith holding on to a golden light of summer.


11 responses to “Blackberry Faith”

  1. God bless your darling Mother and her faith.
    My Mother and Grandmother were like this as well.
    Blessings and prayers and much love for you all
    Love Jeanne

  2. How glorious to have that gift, that steadfast faith. It’s so good that you’re there with her at this time; I know that you give her extra strength. XX

  3. Linda Piazza

    I’m just reaching out to tell you how important these stories of you and your family are to me. Thank you for your breath-taking photos and words that allowed me to visit the world when I was going through brain surgeries for the horrendous pain caused by going-wrong blood vessels at the base of my brain while also dealing with auto-immune difficulties. I couldn’t talk, chew or smile without triggering horrendous pain, but I could visit the world, meet interesting people, and try not to smile at you and your family dancing–one of my favorite videos in the world.

  4. Your post warmed my heart today because my mother was like your mother. She saw the goodness and beauty in everything. She kept our family afloat, she kept our spirits alive. Now, more than any other time, I need to practice seeing the blackberries on the winter bush. For to be any other way would be useless. I need to remember the taste of summer and help those I love remember it too.
    Thank you, Corey, for such beautiful and inspirational words.

  5. First- could not say it any better than Leigh has-personally I am like you Corey having faith in weakness the what if’s pray believe then take it back it is like my super power-I struggle to change that I want to see like your mom sees feel like your mom feels believe with no weakness – I can relate to everything you have written here-
    I continue to send my love to all and pray along with you and everyone for this GREAT intention….

  6. Julie Schmidt


  7. People say they have faith. But is it that we just say our prayers every night and call that faith? Or is faith something so deep in our souls that we can actually see Gods work, and goodness everyday? Sometimes just in the simplest form. God is simplicity for me. God provides the road to find faith. We must decide which way to go when we reach the fork in the road. Faith is in our souls. At least that is what I follow, and believe. Prayers for your brother, and your entire family during this time.

  8. Another “virus” Mail…. a Good one! I’ve got this same msg in 3 different languages yesterday! What a great sign of Caring and Sharing in these circumstances. Things will change, but changes might be more positive than we imagine now. You all stay strong and keep your courage up high.

  9. Every time I want to comment on Smartphone, server refuses email address (which never changes…..). Asks for a VALID address. So I can NEVER post replies directly – this is going on since forever. I only can comment on iPad or laptop. Something is wrong. And also I have to fill in all the details every single time. Doesn’t encourage commenting, sadly.

  10. You spoke the words my own mother often says to me, turn it over, much easier said than done. Not to mention the added burden of leaving it given and not rushing to take it back. My prayers, love and all things good are being sent to you and your family.

  11. jacque Lynn

    Dearest Corey,
    Is that a field of mustard? The mustard and the deep blackberries compliment each other, as do your mother and yourself.
    A California girl living in NM.
    Bless you all,

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