Sacha lives in Seattle where he is freelancing in cinema photography, and his Italian Girlfriend lives in Italy with her family as she studies art in the university. Due to the coronavirus, they do not know when they will see each other again… When Seattle went into Safe Shelter Sacha got in his jeep and drove to California to be with my family. Though he is in self-quarantine out at a ranch with miles of rice fields surrounding him.
When Sacha and his Italian Girlfriend are not together they write in their journals daily and when they see each other they pass each other their journals. Here is the entry for the day Sacha arrived in WIllows from Seattle:
Dear Elena,
Driving through the mountains in Oregon, I can't help admiring the landscape.
After some rain, the clouds and fog create some amazing patterns of light and shadows on the hills and in the valleys. Surrounded by giant evergreens lightly coated with snow, I drive the winding road with you on my mind and your photo on my dashboard. I imagine you next to me, holding your hand alternating between deep conversations and pointing out old barns, blossoming trees, and splendid views.
As I pass over to the other side of the mountain, the landscape drastically changes. I am in California. All of a sudden it's desert-like. The greens and blues have traded their hues for tans and yellows. Hills covered in trees have turned into rocky landscapes. I stop at a viewpoint and enjoy an early picnic dinner while watching the sunset transform the Sacramento valley ahead of me.
A feeling of home overcomes me.
I drive on into the night when suddenly the freeway points right at the Californian giant: Mt Shasta. A tall volcano similar to Mt Rainier. Its massive dark silhouette cut out from the sky with its snowy hillsides giving it dramatic texture.
The roads then become the typical Californian highways: Long and straight. I hold back the urge to drive faster. It's the final stretch, I see the end of this long day. When I finally pull into Willows, I get an eerie feeling. Not the excitement I felt like a kid but a certain sadness. It's late and the town is empty. I drive through it as many memories pop into mind left and right. At the end of town, my grandmother's house.
I pass it without slowing down. How weird. For the first time, I am coming to Willows without being able to hug my family. Instead, I drive to my Uncle's ranch. It's pitch black out and I find my way around the silos to the tiny cabin. As the car turns off, absolute silence surrounds me. I open the door and am swarmed by all the familiar smells that are so typical. Despite it all, I feel at home. I feel far away. Far from my worries and problems. Here time stands still. I step out and open the door to the cabin, not knowing what to expect. It's perfect! They did such a good job turning it into a home for me.
I am very isolated but I already feel like this will be a great time for self-reflection. I bring in all my bags and step back out. A deep breath and I look up to the sky. A cloudless night and a million stars overhead. So many I can't recognize the constellations I usually look out for. I am tired. I imagine you sleeping in your bed. A smile comes to me naturally. For a second I am there with you. I kiss your cheek lightly to make sure not to wake you from your dreams.
I love you, no matter the distance, the time, the challenges…
It will make us stronger in the end.
xx Sacha
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