Write it on Your Heart



7 responses to “Write it on Your Heart”

  1. Love Emerson. This sage advice is especially good for these times, but really all times. I think of you and your family every day. Thinking of your brother and his treatment this week.🙏 Love to you.

  2. Patrizia

    Beautiful,Thank you Corey! ❤️❤️❤️
    I’ll copy and paste it on my FB for my friend to read it too! 😊
    PS: how did it go with your brother Wednesday? I hope all went well!

  3. One of my favs. I love the writings of Emerson and love the writings from your heart as well
    I love you
    Sending love and prayers for us all
    Love Jeanne

  4. Love this!

  5. Love and prayers continue for you and yours, dear Corey. Holding you close.

  6. Thank you, Corey, always for giving us such encouraging words, your own and those of others. Blessings every morning to Marty and to everyone. We will get through this and come out better on the other side.

  7. Enjoyed this very much, and I will try to follow!
    Hoping all is going positively for your entire family, you remain in my literal daily prayers.

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