The silver lining being home with my mother and son during COVID 19 is this extension of time, together as we pass these uncertain days I get to be with them with quality and quantity of time on hand. Plus the space and fields around my mother's home allow us a freedom that many do not have. A friend who lives in Milan, Patricia, said yesterday was the first time they could walk outside without a purpose there was dancing on the street. What a very different isolation it would be if I could not go outside and walk around as I do. I would miss seeing the lambs, the fox, the birds, the turtles, the horse, the chickens, the squirrels, the jackrabbit, cottontails … life.
The canal stood still for months with dry cracks tracing the length of her course aching for the spring season for water to flow. And seemingly with the turn of a few days, the canal's belly was swollen full. Water lushed with gentle swells induced by the wind canal carried the water to the fields that too had been waiting after being toiled, combed and groomed dug and turned up with a sharp blade. Once the water flowed little by little the dry soil appeared like a lake, miles of lakes.
Then the crop duster does its dance.
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