Wherever You Go



13 responses to “Wherever You Go”

  1. Pure sweetness!💕

  2. He is absolutely adorable and I can just imagine how it’s tearing at your heartstrings. He is waving at you Corey. ❤️

  3. Pamela Marshall Ganné

    Dear Cory,
    I wanted you to see this in the event that you had not already done so because I remembered its importance in your own life:
    It calls for a champagne toast, at the very very least!

  4. Pamela Marshall Ganné

    Forgive me for misremembering the I-Beam as the Stud!
    It’s the thought of your encounter and the neverending evolution in our lives that counts, no doubt!

  5. Patrizia

    Amore ❤️💕💗🥰😘
    Soon will be our birthday, my bambino adorato (adorable baby if u do not know the lingo!) 😂
    15/6/2020: Me 62, you 1! 😊

  6. Diogenes

    What a cute kid! Love the picture with the wave.

  7. Hugs and much love always
    So precious and adorable

  8. Texas Francophile

    He is soooooooo darlin……he’s waving to you saying see you soon!!!

  9. Karen from Wisconsin

    He is such an angel from God…
    Beautiful Child…
    Hugs to you…It must be so hard, Cory.
    Prayers to you and your family.

  10. Cindy Bellamy

    Such an adorable little cherub!

  11. OH MY GOSH….look at him…the road ahead …..

  12. Marilyn

    What a sweetie!

  13. What a cherubic bundle of happy joyful cuteness!

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