War and Peace



The strongest of all warriors are these two

— Time and Patience.

Leo Tolstoy

War, and Peace


May we have both. May all of us poor, rich & in between. And while this becomes more our reality may I know how to help, encourage and be calm instead of wanting to throw my shoe at the TV and repeat soundbites. Is it possible to go through the day and not think about Covid 19 and question everything? 

I feel the uneven mixture of feeling fortunate and the guilt for being so. Of the luxury of staying home when many are struggling with staying at home.

For those who need to work, those who work for those who cannot and for those who work for us to exist, thank you.

Time and patience.




As my friend Tamara said,

"Everyday I tell myself it's a day closer to a normal world." 







4 responses to “War and Peace”

  1. God bless and protect us all
    I love all you share
    Love Jeanne

  2. Kathie B

    Corey, please don’t underestimate the value of your social-distancing. The “luxury” of staying home is also a kindness to others as well as to ourselves, because each of us who stays in is one person fewer to contract, then potentially spread, the virus to those who lack the luxury of staying home.

  3. Yes, there’s some kind of gift in the family situations we’re ‘stuck’ in for the duration. As you say, learning patience and kindness. I can’t visit my son in Seattle, can’t make annual trip east to see family. This is going to be a different kind of summer. So far I’m enjoying more time with my husband and watching the birds nest and the garden grow. But there’s much I will miss and maybe value even more if we’re back to normal next summer. Seems good that you and Sacha are there with your mom.

  4. Thank you, Corey, and my wish is for you and your family to stay well. It is sobering to think that as of May 26 the virus has claimed over 98k American lives. And we have a long way to go yet. The Hong Kong flu claimed 100k American lives in the late 60’s, but that was the total after 15 – 18 mos of the flu. It’s only been 4 mos for us with Covid-19. God be merciful.

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