When I left France at the beginning of February to come to visit my family in California I had a feeling it might be for a while… but I did not expect it to be four months and counting. I did not expect our world to shift, and a lockdown and a stirring of thoughts, habits, ideas, lifestyles to the core but it has. The silver linings are plentiful, the road less traveled a familiar path, the reality that no matter how good, kind, or and loving we are there is room for improvement.
My Instagram was filled with pretty stuff, a collection of old French things that created my work, business, and lifestyle for me… though given this time on hand for reflection and given that I am not at home in France but back at my childhood home in California with rural nature 360 degrees I do not want to miss what is around me. Also, I see this time as unique, a time where I can unveil more than pretty things, and hopefully, in sharing myself I can be a genuine part of the challenging beautiful path ahead towards a more loving peaceful untied world.
I do not know what will happen- do any of us? My brother continues to push forward with true grit and grace. Flights are returning to Europe and my days here are shortening, and now more than ever I want to be present to the current that moves amongst us.
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