Morning Routine with An Early Bird




Barely had light fill the room

my mother was purposefully clanking in the kitchen

"Corey you can come to knead the bread"

without unshuttering my eyes I asked was the yeast frothy?

"No, but we can make the beds and you can check if there are eggs in the coop while we wait."

Or I could roll over and sleep a few more minutes was my thought.

The difference between a get-up and go person and someone like me is five minutes or so.

I went for a walk while the sweetbread rose twice. 

Chocolate chip cookies baked, sweetbread rolls made, five-miles walked, eggs collected,

garden watered, beds made, dishes done… by nine a.m.

Not even the brocante gets me doing all that by nine a.m.




11 responses to “Morning Routine with An Early Bird”

  1. Early morning must smell delightful there. Newly baked rolls and cookies, gardens and even chicken coops. Smells of home in the country.

  2. I just have one word……….MOMS……They are our base-line, our forever in this World…. the ones we hope to follow and dream to become… sounds like home and a place for all those Princesses following in Mother’s foot steps, big shoes to fill !!!!! Loving your stories for these months while you are here in Willows. Be safe 🙂

  3. I’m exhausted.

  4. I am an early riser too as was my Grandmother……………..and my husband is as well.
    I have most of my energy in the morning so I try to make the most of it.
    Much love

  5. Thanks for the lovely start to my day with your morning story, Corey. Sending love…💕

  6. Karen from Wisconsin

    How wonderful…God Bless all of you…
    I’m off and running…………..Be safe all.

  7. Charland

    Wqw 🙂

  8. Kathie B

    Please post your mom’s sweetbread roll recipe! Are they like Massa Sovada? Or King’s Hawaiian Bread?

  9. Kathie B

    I suppose that of necessity this will be your mom’s first year without a Holy Ghost Festival. I came across this sopas home-cooking sized recipe online years ago, although as a vegetarian I’ve never made it. However, at festas I “cheat” — don’t tell anyone! — and have the broth along with lots of bread soaked in it, plus cabbage or kale (and boiled potatoes, if served).

  10. Linda a.

    Alas, I long to be that early riser, busy person but I also
    want to stay up late. So, I guess I’m just in the medium category unless it’s an estate sale or flea market :))
    The rolls are beautiful !

  11. Stubblejumpers Cafe

    Ha Ha! I loved my mother dearly, as you do yours, but I wouldn’t have been too happy living according to her schedule and agenda for months at a time! -Kate

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