Of course, I knew that a baby would change everything.
I thought I knew what everything meant.
I knew my heart would expand memories of my childhood and my daughter's childhood would all come back to me, combining past to present deepening the wonder of life, a continuation, a thanksgiving rich with memories of my grandparents, my parents our lives.
I knew that I would want to hold Gabriel endless hours from the first rays to the last flicker of light
and that I would be able to be better than I am because the path would be easier to follow with innocent love leading me. With Gabriel somehow somewhere a door opened a passage unfolded as if my feet become wings and light-filled every single cell in my body, heart, and soul.
A baby that tiny little wonderment, that magical mystical baby…
Life has expanded beyond my imagination what was past, and the present and those tomorrows that I will never ever know blended into something I never expected nor knew.
Let's just call it the Big Bang, a firework of indescribable love.
I wrote the above shortly after Gabriel was born. I have not seen him since February yet the invisible thread of life that connects us, the mystery of our cells, the pulling of our heartstrings, creates a union of love that cannot be denied. I am grateful.
He is a charming, beautiful, sweet little boy and a million more wonderful adjectives.
Happy first birthday Gabriel!
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