Living in the Country




During the shelter in place, Sacha and I planted a garden or if truth be told a few vegetable plants. Zucchini, cucumber, tomato, green onion, green beans, and crooked neck squash. Nothing beats homegrown. I wish I could say we have an overabundance of vegetables but that is not the case with one plant each of the above vegetables. So far there have been seven green beans or as my mother said when I added them to a salad, "If you say so, but I did not see them nor taste them." I have planted a garden before but this time without the right tools or soil or fertilizer it was more like throwing seeds to the wind. A dare you to grow attitude. Hence a few vegetables. 





There are sheep in the field behind my mother’s house. A friend needed some pasture land so my mom lent him ours for the pleasure of seeing sheep in the field. In the not so distant background behind the sheep the chartreuse green rice fields.

Reconnecting to my roots

one season into the next

farm to table 






Foraged along the creek black walnuts for their perfumed skins, the first buds of grapes and fig leaves.

My mother and I have been gathering wild blackberries in the morning four cups make a pie.



hay bales



Then there is the pomegranate tree (my mom has several but this one is the best) won't be ready until October.

Seeds planted some give a harvest within a month or two, and others most others take several months. Time and patience.

What seeds am I planting now? What harvest do I expect? 

How does your interior garden grow?



7 responses to “Living in the Country”

  1. My husband misses his country life every day
    It never leaves you
    Lucky and blessed.
    Love you
    Keep well keep safe
    Love Jeanen

  2. Kathie B

    Farmboy Husband has been living up to this name, so we’ve been having mixed green salads and Swiss chard almost every night for several weeks.
    He and a good neighbor will start picking our blueberries on Friday, weather permitting. We’re still eating last year’s green beans, corn kernels and tomatoes.

  3. I planted the same kind of garden! I think I got 6 green beans, but the cucumbers are the most prolific! Still nice to have fresh cucumbers and bell peppers! Have had one tomato and one eggplant! 😂 more squash and tomatoes coming!

  4. Julie Schmidt

    My interior garden is growing well. I’m happier all the time with Wally in my life. And I have a tremendous amount of peace.

  5. Diogenes

    I put lettuce, Persian cucumber, chili peppers and squash in pots on the balcony. Lettuce and peppers thriving. The squash blooms a lot, but is in search of bees, as are the cucumbers.

  6. I have both an interior garden and an exterior garden. The exterior garden is lush and full. It’s shaping up to be a good summer for vegetable gardeners here in the northeast My interior garden is thriving too. Daughter Sophia is home, taking advantage of this rare block of time together we are taking art online classes (drawing and color theory) and having fun in the kitchen (today’s recipe=Saag Feta, YUM!) I am SO lucky and grateful to be able to do these things.

  7. PS I still think your Mom should have a B&B and you should do neighborhood tours (who knew rice fields were chartreuse?)

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