Thank you to High Anxiety’s Instagram account for the above images and quotes.
Returning to France this time has not been as smooth as the times before. After spending months self isolating with my mother barely seen anyone, rarely going out, and amongst other self isolating habits I did not even hug my family goodbye. The first shock of returning was simply getting on the plane, then a taxi, and then on to a very packed train. I wore my mask without taking it off over 24 hours straight… I am not a anxious person yet I felt such crippling anxiety and that has taken time to drain away from me.
As much as I’m happy to be home with my husband, daughter, son-in-law and baby Gabriel I am not used to being around people coming in and out and maybe not being as careful as I would be if I were going in and out. It is hard to adjust to coronavirus in a different household and country… In the end the best words of advice I received are from my mother: Do the best you can, you can only control yourself and the rest place in Gods hands.
Please stay safe, take care.
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