So Worth Listening To…




11 responses to “So Worth Listening To…”

  1. Lil Fleur

    Thank you. That was beautiful. And just what I needed as I sat here grumpily complaining in my head.

  2. I thought this was so great….and so true….I fall short so many times-actually all the time- doing this or that with my eyes closed…rather than in the moment on attention on task at hand in the moment being thankful for that moment and each that may follow…something to ponder in the quiet of my nights and my mornings….

  3. Yes, gratitude first. Thanks for sharing this nice speech. 😉

  4. I love this and thanks so much for sharing
    Much love

  5. Thank you Cori! Loved this and needed this now! 😊

  6. A perfect post. Thank you.

  7. So true. No such things as perfection. Change is the only constant. Life is an adventure, filled with ups and downs. We never know what is just around the corner. The adventure it is.
    My only wish is for greater kindness from all.

  8. Bonnie Schulte

    I believe this to be VERY true. I do say Thank you, every single night,for my life, my home, the food on my table, my husband, my family, my health, and for the Love that surrounds me. And when I tell you Thank You, I want you to know that I really mean it, too. Hugs from WI

  9. Love this!

  10. I watched it when you posted elsewhere, but really enjoyed.

  11. Linda Piazza

    Thank you for posting this, and, yes, I do mean it! I needed it.

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