Every Step



My daily walks continue. During the last several weeks I’ve been waking up earlier than I usually do around six so that I can have a lead beating the heat. I am not a morning person I literally have to push myself out of bed and dress with my eyes close. You might be thinking that since I go to the flea markets I must be a morning person. Yeah no. The flea markets are once a week that I can do especially since I don’t have to leave here until seven. There is an ocean of difference between 6 AM and 7 AM. Certainly, there are more hours between those two numbers. 



Walking the Provençal hillside is very different than walking around the rice fields in the Sacramento Valley. The landscape, the earth’s texture under my feet, the scent of the surrounding, also the energy circling around me propelling me onward. Mostly the Sacramento valley is not an upward curvaceous challenge as the hillside around my town. When I arrived here I thought I was a decent walker pumping out six miles in an hour and a half… though I learned quickly when I came back home to France that the French pump out miles in their sleep they pass me by speeding up the hills like hungry wild goats. I am not ready for Saint Jean de Compostelle I have more, a lot more muscles to develop. 


Meanwhile, I continued walking up to Saint Claire above our village and return home taking the trail on the other side of the hill. This morning as two walkers passed me by as if I was tied to a boulder their dog walked alongside me, you know I am slowly getting over my fear of dogs, its eyes were gentle and I swear I heard it say, “Come along you are doing fine.”


Every day whether I like it or not I will walk. Whether it is too hot, too cold, too windy, or raining. It doesn't matter if I walk to slow, or too fast, or get up early or not. What matters is that I do it in faith, is a symbolic gesture for my brother, to be with him in spirit, to use my walking as a prayer, to believe that my energy is helping him, that I am with him in spirit and I am in every step believing that every step I take may be one easier step in his journey with cancer.



13 responses to “Every Step”

  1. I love this post….but especially the last part-our spirits our souls are not tethered to the constraints of earth time space and so your spirit is doing what you think it is doing-believing without seeing or knowing for sure…THAT IS FAITH !! This intention of yours…of ours is very near to me with me always – keep walking and praying and most importantly ….. BELIEVEING !!

  2. Lovely post Corey. And so much beauty in these pictures. I think the dog was reaching out to you too.

  3. I laughed out loud. They pass you as if you are tied to a boulder and the kind encouraging dog gave you encouragement. Sounds like you take beautiful enriching walks.

  4. We, your readers, are with you by heart.
    I admire your consistency and this physical representation of your abiding love and faith.
    God bless each step!

  5. You truly are quite remarkable…
    Thank you

  6. The walking must result in lost pounds among other things. Blessings to you.
    Where is French husband, does he walk with you?

  7. This is beautiful and generous and kind -and so inspiring. Thank you for this post, and yes, we will continue to keep your brother and his team in our prayers and good hopes.

  8. Cynthia Thompson

    Walking, praying and sending strength with you Corey. Blessings

  9. That’s too bad that you are afraid of dogs. I used to come home from work late and go for a walk with my black lab. She would gently pull my tired self along behind her.

  10. Time in nature, fast or slow, encouraged by an understanding dog or not, the perfect way to ground yourself, open your heart and connect to Marty. Sending love and continued prayers, friend.

  11. Fat Rabbit

    Walking and praying – may your brother feel your love.

  12. This is beautiful. Every. single. sentiment.

  13. What a dear prayer during your walk.
    I must be more diligent in my walking. I think I need to add prayer to that time. I use to pray when I drove to work each morning, but now I don’t drive to work. Walking would be a good transition. Thanks for the inspiration.

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