You Are Not Alone

    As I pushed Gabriel in his stroller I read,

“You are not alone”

on a building’s wall. Not three yards away was a man gathering his belongings; Several empty plastic bottles, a massive soiled plastic sheet that appeared to be his home, and a rag for a blanket. His clothes barely hung on him.

Unruly hair and beard.
He was alone.

I followed him as he walked passed the sign on the wall to the park where he filled his water bottles, then stowed his measly vital belongings under a bush then headed to the dumpster where he opened bags not being choosy he ate whatever scraps he found plus put some in a separate bag for later I assumed.

My thoughts paced with poverty, wealth, mental illness, tangled with guilt, sadness, frustration.

He is alone unnecessarily on a planet of billions, in the City of Lights, near a woman and child while surviving by eating out of a dumpster.
I gave him what I had some money which seemed meaningless in the gravity of his need.

He was still alone as I pushed Gabriel’s stroller to the play area.




11 responses to “You Are Not Alone”

  1. This broke my heart…💔

  2. This is a growing problem everywhere. It breaks my heart and I pray for everyone with no home and no one to care for them and love them. count your many blessings often, there are a great many who are not so lucky.
    God protect everyone and bless them all.
    Love Jeanne

  3. it’s always heartbreaking to see people in need Unfortunately the numbers go up and too less care for them. To give them some money it’s a drop in the bucket, to give them food many of them avoid it. So, how can we help?

  4. Thank you for this post, it brings me to tears.
    Years ago I was experiencing a l o n g day and had forgotten to eat lunch, it was afternoon and I just decided to pull over and grab a quick bite. As I was in the drive through I noticed a man lying half in and half out of a planter. I observed him the entire time I was in line and he never seemed to move. When I got to the window I asked if anyone had noticed the man, and the reply was “oh he’s just this homeless dude, he’s here all the time.” So I said that I hadn’t seen him moving at all and perhaps he needed assistance, rolled eyes was the reply. I pulled out and called 911 and said I needed help and they arrived, tended to him and yes, he had already died. He had died somewhat earlier in the day. It broke me to think of how many people had passed him by and never thought to help him, leaving him to die in a planter box. Every time go to Costco, I use the left over budgeted money to buy as many ‘hotdog meals’ as possible, usually about 10-15. They give them to me in a box, i get the condiments in small cups, fill the soda cups, and after I load my groceries I drive around the parking lots for a few blocks. I roll down my widow and ask “Are you hungry?” If they reply yes, I tell them I have a hotdog if they would like it, most are grateful and accept. Some only want the soda. In all these years I’ve only once had someone disagreeable, everyone else has been kind. An extra 10 minutes of my time and $1.50 for a small meal is nothing if it gives a man or woman -or even a small family, hope and enough food to sustain them till their next meal.
    I am grateful God has blessed me enough to do small things that may make a difference.

  5. Keep letting your light shine, Corey – thanks for this post ❤

  6. Thank you for your kindness Corey, and for bringing attention to this issue. Since Covid, this has become an epic problem in Southern California. The freeway on ramps are lined with tent cities, and there are camps that have sprung up in some very tony areas. New approaches to housing? Universal basic income? I don’t know what the answer is.

  7. And then, when he was alone with his humanity, you dear Corey, showed up and kept him in your compassionate thoughts. Blessings.

  8. Jennifer Phillipps

    Nice to know you took the time to do something to help, it is a real indictment of our social structures that this needs to happen at all….. Cheers from NZ

  9. In our world of plenty and superfluous…😢

  10. Julie Schmidt

    Wow…just, wow…

  11. So much sadness for those alone.
    Thank you for giving him what you had.

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