Month: September 2020
Listening Beyond Words
Babies when they hear a sound they usually stop what they are doing and listen at the same time they look around for recognition that they have recognized a familiar or new sound. When Gabriel hears a sound he…
Bread, Wine,Cheese… and Confit Tomatoes
Cherry tomates clinging to the vine Gently swirl them with a generous splash of olive oil, toss oregano and salt confetti bake for 30 minutes or so on medium heat until theit coats wrinkle.
What I Saw Today on my Walk
A moisten path leaves glistening with raindrops, nature breathing after a long spell without rain. Snails. This cabanon (cabin) that really wants me to come inside. I know it does. My name is on the…
Carrying On is What We Do with Courage and Grace
Be safe be kind Scream if need be, get it out, but do so without hurting anyone. These are unusual times challenging us to see things we might not have seen, to listen to ideas that are new or uncomfortable,…
The photos of the orange sky, smoke dense enough that you could look at the sun directly as we do the moon, photos that I doubled-checked by asking if they were taking last night or this morning?! A silence fills…
Baby in Paris
After six months in the south due to Covid 19 Chelsea and Martin returned to their apartment in Paris. Martin was working from home but now is back at work, and Chelsea will go back to work later this…