Guest Post: Alan Putz


This November my blog will be 16 years old. To celebrate I am asking you my readers to submit a Guest Post for my blog as a way of celebrating our connectedness as a community through social media. 

I hope you will send me your story or at least a glimpse into your life (please send your story and JPEG photos to my email then I will post them to my blog. This will introduce you to one another.

Many of you are feeling shy, or worse not worthy as if there is a prize for the best life lived. I hope, truly hope, you will take a leap of faith in telling me and my readers about yourself, a cherished memory, a recipe, a hobby, what inspires you, what you dream about, and more importantly how are you? What are you living with or through right now?

Your story, as all of our stories, are one, interconnected by the weaver, the river, the dreamer, the wind, the path as we are on moving forward to the light. Please consider sharing a bit of yourself with me.

Thank you in advance for being part of French la Vie / Tongue in Cheek. 




Alan in Paris


Corey said that she wants to host guest bloggers on her blog, French la Vie. I considered it, but Corey's blog is so positive, so beautiful. Her blog encompasses history and the collecting of that history. She writes about family and babies, home, and heart. My blog is about me and my travails in life. Not always so beautiful. But what the hell, here's a story about my partner in life Mark, and I visit Paris. Oh, and don't get me wrong. I loved Paris. It's a big city and I'm a big city boy from Chicago.

While paging through the photo album of our trip to Paris some years ago, I wondered what the hell is wrong with some Americans? Why do so many of us speak ill of the French? Why the name-calling? The truth is that we are a lot like the French. We should appreciate that both they and we are nationalistic, patriotic, and think our shit doesn't stink. In some other ways, the French are different from us. For instance, most Parisians speak two or more languages, with the second one usually being English. That, I think, is so that they can make fun of Americans like Mark and me in a language that we would understand. Yes, it did happen that they mocked us on occasion. Which was expected. We were just a couple of rubes from America after all. There were some Parisians however, who were very nice and treated us well. But that might have been because we were paying to stay at their hotel. 

While we were in Paris we visited an area known as Les Halles. We should have known something was up when the cab driver refused to drop us off in front of the club we were going to. He stopped at a corner and pointed, telling us in French to walk "Deux rues". After strolling past prostitutes, drug dealers, and all sorts of sketchy types, we finally found the little club we were looking for. We entered the front door and were stopped by the doorman who then pointed us toward what looked like a coat check room. The man at the coat check room told us that there would be a cover charge as he handed us two black, plastic garbage bags. I stood there with the bags in my hand and asked him, 

"What are these for?"  


"Oh, gentlemen.

Tonight is a naked night!

The bags are for your clothes."


Mark and I looked at each other, knowing what the answer would be, 

"No Thanks, not for us." and I handed the bags back to him. 

Though, just to be sure, I reached over and pulled the little black curtain to see if maybe it might be interesting. What I saw has been permanently

burned into my memory.

There sat two, old, wrinkle-assed men, stark naked on bar stools. They were casually having a conversation, smoking cigarettes, and sipping their drinks. I grabbed Mark by the arm and assured him that we weren't missing anything as we hastily made our exit.


It made me love Paris even more.


Alan's blog



11 responses to “Guest Post: Alan Putz”

  1. Nancy Reppert

    Your Parisian experience was interesting to read and I appreciate your sharing it! Hopping over to your blog, I’m saddened to read that you recently lost your partner. May your beautiful memories fill your heart with joy and laughter and love and may you find comfort among long distance friends, connected through blogs around the world.

  2. Another wonderful blog post…………Always interesting to read.
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Just mercy, lol. I woke up this morning with a wrenched headache and a cranky attitude -I laughed through this entire post! Thank you! lol (still laughing) Our 2 daughters went to Europe together and of course, Paris was scheduled. Reading your account reminds me much of theirs! They had no idea where they were staying, they just tried to book as cheaply as possible and ended up on a street where their taxi driver dropped them off at the corner as well after a ride that begged them not to stay at their hotel. They got out and realized they were staying at was essentially an “hour to hour” hotel! They were there for 3 days and let’s just say they saw much more than they bargained for! They too appreciated the French for being French, and just rolled with it -although said that if they really needed assistance they realized very quickly that older men and women, like in their late 70s+ were very kind without being creepy or snarky! That, and at some point you just need to lay down a credit card and eat real food! Thank you for the fun read – it brought back such giggly memories from our own kids! (now I’m heading over to your blog to check it out!)

  4. Alan and I met on this blog many years ago and we are still in touch with each other. I’m so happy to see his post on your blog, Corey.

  5. Now this memory is seared in my mind also. 😂 I was kind of hoping for the “when in Rome” ending? Thanks for sharing. I needed the laugh and I think I will remember your story every time I see a garbage bag.
    Also, Corey I’m enjoying each and every one of your “guest” blog posts. I hope others will contribute as it’s really fun to see a glimpse into your followers lives.

  6. I was not expecting this ending when I started this post with my coffee. LOLOL! I have to say that if quarantine and Covid aren’t vaccinated away soon, I will be one of those old men you pulled back the curtain and saw! Thanks for sharing your story.

  7. Katherine Benusa

    Nice to meet you and thanks for the humor!!

  8. Ann of Avondale

    Alan, Your story is funny and graphic. After reading about brocantes, art and beauty you provide us with a very different French experience. Reminds me of some of the French crime/detective films where there is a grey line between the criminals and the French Police. Not what we think of when we think of Paris.

  9. Have the image seared into my brain. Loved the read

  10. So wonderful to hear a fellow Chicagoan’s voice on this blog! I laughed out loud and remember some interesting places on Lincoln Ave. years ago too. Living in DC now, your post brought me out of the depths of the political news and into a Paris backstreet. Thanks!

  11. I “met” Alan (and by proxy, Mark) on Corey’s blog years ago. I followed him from Florida to Chicago and laughed at all of his posts. I especially loved Alica! I was so sorry to hear of his passing. I continued to read his posts, even though I couldn’t figure out how to comment anymore (some computer glitch.) I sent him a switchplate (for a light switch) of the famous David statue years ago. Mark, you have years of wonderful memories, draw upon those, though I know they are nothing compared to the love you shared. With sympathy, jackie

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