There is a poet in Montana
that calls himself
a "light chaser" –
I think it fits him and it fits me.
I love all kinds of light,
just about any but that harsh overhead lighting in strange buildings.
It's not that I mind the dark, it has its place but oh…that light!
A few years ago I wrote a piece about light after witnessing
a rainbow in the sunset on the solstice
while the almost full moon was rising.
It impressed me and the image stayed with me
so I began thinking about the place light has in my life.
Here's part of what I wrote:
"It seems to me that each holiday celebrated around this time of year,
when the days are shortest, revolves around light.
Or maybe I read that somewhere, Stars, candles, menorahs in memory of a miraculous light,
Kwanzaa candles celebrating community…
and I think I know why.
So now you get to hear about my theory of the persistence of light, aren't you happy?
Light is there to show us the path we are on,
whether it is the right one or to show us where we have strayed,
no matter how we resist it.
Feel like I am in the dark?
Wrong path.
Can't seem to see what is right in front of me?
Wrong path.
Why is this so hard for me to learn?
Must be bad lighting.
And those people in my life that shine a spotlight
on what I am doing right or wrong?
Lighthouse keepers trying to keep me from crashing."
I still am enamored by light, it's why I live where we have sun 350 days a year,
why I live in a small house with floor to ceiling windows on the south side,
why I run out to see the moon,
why I gather people around me who are sunny and cheerful,
and why I use to put my boys in the car and chase the sunset.
I remain a light chaser.
One of my favorite ways to enjoy the light is by taking pictures of it.
My health has changed dramatically over the last few years
so I spend a great deal of time looking out of my windows from my bed.
My small simple life is greatly enhanced by the light coming in the windows
and the light coming in from my circle of friends.
I've loved doing the series of photographs of light in my house.
Here are my wishes for you in the next year…
which will be full of light given our new leaders.
May you have the light you need
May the be able to see the light at the end of every tunnel
and know that there is hope
May the sun shine brightly on your endeavors
May each full moon illuminate all of your good fortunes
and how many things brought you joy that month
May you feel the warmth in your soul
that the light of your friends and family
brings you each time you encounter them.
Good light to all and to all a good light!
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