Leap Frog and other Tricks

Img_2171_1 French Frog

painted red

made in cement.

The paint on this frog is old,

though maybe not as old as the frog.

I never thought about it until now

but why is it painted red? Maybe that

is why it is frowning?  

When I bought the frog at a brocante as usual

I didn't think about how far away I had parked.

Walking to my car was not a HOP SKIP and a JUMP.

 Had I thought about the distance the frog

might not have come home with me that day.


Over the years it seems as if the red frog is getting heavier

though how can that be it never eats?

I have noticed that about myself

things seem heavier and I seem less flexible.

Moving furniture around was a past time

of mine, now I entertain that thought

for less than a second.

How many dining room tables did I sell 

before not wanting to carry another one into the house?

The frog is heavier… that is all.

Have you noticed this phenomenon in your home?


Please if you are considering doing a Guest Post for 

me I hope you will soon! I have a few more to post

and hope to have more. Thank you to all the readers 

who contributed so far I have loved getting to know

you more and I can see that my dear readers have

enjoyed knowing each other too. xxx


8 responses to “Leap Frog and other Tricks”

  1. Much love and many blessings. I too things are getting much heavier…………….
    Aging is a process.
    Have a beautiful day full of love, health, peace and joy.
    Love Jeanne

  2. This is happening in my home too! Imagine that! Thinking about you today…💕

  3. Chère Corey,
    Bonjour et oui, je suis d’accord. Seems the older we get the heavier life appears to be but, we are also the recipients of more good luck with each passing year.
    Yes, your guest posts have been a treat — just as you blog has been for many years — and, I hope your followers will continue to share their stories.
    Well, off to take two exams at the l’université de la Côte d’Azur (what was I thinking!).
    À la prochaine,

  4. Indeed the same is true here in DC/Maryland! For the first time, I didn’t carry in the Christmas tree, nor get on my knees to fasten it to the base….those knees just aren’t working like they used to! But it is comforting to know from your guest blogs, that there are so many like-minded women in the world that appreciate the simple things in life, be it nature, a scrap of lace, an old medal AND your blog. I wish we could have a retreat together. The laughter, sighs of approval for good buys, smiles and understanding would fill all of southern France!

  5. Sadly, as we get older little things fail on our bodies. Frogs get heavier, stairs get steeper. We keep thinking it will heal or if we go to the health club we can fix that, but those failings just keep multiplying. One day you wake up and realize that your 29 year old body is gone and it isn’t coming back. All you can say is, ‘sonofabitch’ and carry on.

  6. Oh gosh yes! I feel the very same way…rearranging and total redo’s use to be something I never gave a second thought to. We are on the same page.

  7. Jennifer Phillipps

    Across the seas in NZ the same thing is happening to my 61yr old self, but I keep walking every day and lift all the things I can, to keep the muscles as strong as possible and then I get help for the things that are a bit harder to manage, that is all we can do really, but certainly keep on keeping on one and all and Merry Christmas from Godzone…as we call New Zealand…..xxx Jennifer

  8. Becky Peterson

    I am 66 this year. I too am finding things are heavier. 2020, you gave me the delight of my heart. My grandson, Hank. I can still carry this Bebe and he is nearing 25 lbs.

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