I Love This New Ruling in France

10 responses to “I Love This New Ruling in France”
And I believe this includes roosters crowing early in the morning. Seems some city folks moved into country villas during covid and then lodged complaints about the roosters waking them.
Proust claimed to have had his Madeleines, but I still recall some of the lovely smells of plants in far northern California in my childhood — new-mown fields, evergreen trees, tan oaks, etc.
I read about this. Vive le coq!
How beautiful that is.
May all the lovely things of life be protected for us all
Love Jeanne -
I live in the city behind a fondue restaurant. We get aroma of whatever is on the menu that evening.
There is a dairy farm about 10 miles from our home, every now and then we get a whif of country air. lol
What a wonderful and conscientious thing to do. I wish the city council in Boulder, CO, would be as sensitive to the wonderful environment in which we live.
This sounds like such an intelligent way to preserve the aromas in rural areas, but depending on where one lives perhaps? We lived in a small town in Indiana for a few years and it was surrounded by a large pig farm on one side, a large soy bean processing plant on another, and a sewage settling pond on another. None of the aromas associated with those three places are any that I would care to preserve or remember. Depending upon which way the wind was blowing on any given day, we were often treated to aroma of intense unpleasantness. If ONLY it had been lavender, or pines, or just plain open air! Hahaha
How fascinating!
Scent memories of walking the hills near Apt, smelling the thyme and so many other scents of Provence. My sister-in-law picking the herbs to hang in her pantry. I learned to do that from her, Josette. The bells from the goats and then buying their cheese from the farm.
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