Sirkka Turkka

Reaching up letting go


There's a Finnish poem

that my friend Aija translated and sent to me:


"We call for him

but he doesn't turn around.

He's on his way to the forests of his childhood,

to the land of blue flowers and golden autumns

where the birds sing a different song."


Sirkka Turkka



17 responses to “Sirkka Turkka”

  1. how very beautiful I am weeping ….

  2. Beautiful indeed, I’m weeping as well.

  3. So beautiful…💕 Thinking of you friend and sending love and prayers.

  4. lovely…

  5. What a beautiful poem and picture. I am so sorry about the loss of you dear brother, Cory. I am praying for comfort for you and your family. My own brother passed away 13 years ago in March. It gives us great joy to remember the love and laughter we shared as we think of him especially, in the spring. I still have his voicemail singing “The Old Grey Mare Ain’t What She Used to Be” on my birthday a few weeks before he suddenly passed away. I loved the family pictures you posted. Wonderful memories!

  6. Ohhh Corey. These days I really think it’s true we are all walking each other home. I have a dear friend of 45+ years who has lost two parents, a favorite aunt, (her son) her sister, and two weeks ago her sisters husband in the span of under three years. I lost my father this Christmas. The world seems to be shifting, I’m not sure, but there is so much hurt out there. So much hurt too because we can’t be with our loved ones during time of grief. So many people to pray for. May your heart be light tonight and may you sleep well knowing you did the best you could and was a good big sister to Marty. xx

  7. beautiful~

  8. That is so very beautiful.. brought tears thinking of my own loss’s.

  9. Such a lovely poem and photograph.
    Those who live forever in our hearts are never far away
    Love Jeanne

  10. That brought me to tears. Thinking of you and your family.
    Sending love from Tiburon.

  11. Leslie in Oregon

    Dear Corey, I have tried to write to you many times in the last two days, but the words I’ve found have been far too inadequate. They still are. I am so sorry that cancer came to Marty and that it took his earthly life away. It seems to take the best of us. I hope that your tender, strong heart is getting the consolation it needs at this time. Add my voice to those of the many who are praying for peace for you and your family and grace for your dear, valiant brother’s soul. 💜Leslie

  12. Achingly and stunningly beautiful….and comforting. Thank you, Corey and Aija.

  13. How fitting, she is holding Marty’s crown in Heaven and waiting for him. Spectacular painting, is it one you have now? If you do then we need to talk. Continued love and hugs coming your way.

  14. This is so beautiful, I am at a loss for words. Sending light and love, Corey.

  15. George in Brooklyn

    My deepest sympathy, Corey.
    Many blessings to Marty and your family.
    May his memory be eternal.

  16. Teddee Grace

    This is beautiful. I had the following read at my mother’s funeral. The last verse is my favorite and always brings tears to my eyes:
    I Am Standing Upon The Seashore
    Beautiful poem by Henry Van Dyke, sometimes attributed to Victor Hugo. A moving funeral verse about death and the afterlife.
    I Am Standing Upon The Seashore
    I am standing upon the seashore.
    A ship at my side spreads her white
    sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.
    She is an object of beauty and strength.
    I stand and watch her until at length
    she hangs like a speck of white cloud
    just where the sea and sky come
    to mingle with each other.
    Then, someone at my side says;
    “There, she is gone!”
    “Gone where?”
    Gone from my sight. That is all.
    She is just as large in mast and hull
    and spar as she was when she left my side
    and she is just as able to bear her
    load of living freight to her destined port.
    Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
    And just at the moment when someone
    at my side says, “There, she is gone!”
    There are other eyes watching her coming,
    and other voices ready to take up the glad shout;
    “Here she comes!”
    And that is dying.

  17. The words are stunning!

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