What Goes Around






Gabriel received his third vaccine.

He didn't take it well and threw up a day or two later.

A few days later his parents were worshiping the porcelain god.

Since I have had a horrible cold to the point I 

was convinced I had covid (two PCR tests) but do not I could not help them.

Yann went to babysit Gabriel. 

Two days later Yann was wiped-out vomiting.

Three days later it hit me,

I woke up freezing thinking I was hungry

but soon realized that feeling wasn't hunger

it was the rumbling of the monster about to unleash.

Today I understand the need to rest.

Gabriel and his parents went to Martin's parent's house 

since Chelsea and Martin have been working from home

(due to covid for almost a year now) they need childcare.

Martin's mom is now fighting the monster.

24 hour cleanout.

So far only Martin's dad has been lucky not to have it.





11 responses to “What Goes Around”

  1. praying you can all stay well……………
    Much love and hugs and prayers for everyone.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Poor babies. Norovirus?

  3. Kathy, Sounds about right. Who kissed the baby?
    All of us.

  4. Wow! I remember when our grandson was a bit younger we would catch every cold, etc. he had. One thing about this past year is sadly we don’t get to see him much and only with masks on, so we have been healthy. Once he goes back to school and we are vaccinated I have a feeling we will get more of his cold with all the hugging and kissing there will be.
    Missing his hugs and kisses sooooo much.

  5. I remember those days. We call it the dread mahogus. Be well. Rest.

  6. RebeccaNYC

    oh Corey! How horrible. I’m so sorry. Hopefully this is all in the past!

  7. Oh my…weak tea and toast all around…

  8. Texasfrancophile

    Oh no so sorry for your malady. I did have to chuckle at that picture of your sweet boy!!! If you were my neighbor I’d bring some chicken soup & saltines over and leave at the door.♥️

  9. A few years ago, the same thing raged through our family – twice. All four of them and then the two of us. Horrible! But we made it. Prayers for everyone’s recovery.

  10. Oh, Corey, so sorry the family has been under the weather.. Sending you all healing thoughts and wishes.💕

  11. Oh My Gosh how horrible you all have to go through this, as I guess many families are.
    Knock on wood so far this senior is healthy

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