Gabriel received his third vaccine.
He didn't take it well and threw up a day or two later.
A few days later his parents were worshiping the porcelain god.
Since I have had a horrible cold to the point I
was convinced I had covid (two PCR tests) but do not I could not help them.
Yann went to babysit Gabriel.
Two days later Yann was wiped-out vomiting.
Three days later it hit me,
I woke up freezing thinking I was hungry
but soon realized that feeling wasn't hunger
it was the rumbling of the monster about to unleash.
Today I understand the need to rest.
Gabriel and his parents went to Martin's parent's house
since Chelsea and Martin have been working from home
(due to covid for almost a year now) they need childcare.
Martin's mom is now fighting the monster.
24 hour cleanout.
So far only Martin's dad has been lucky not to have it.
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