The Silver Dark Sea

Shepard FAIRE




The Silver Dark Sea


"We carry them with us…

We breathe for them,

sing for them,

soak up stories they cannot hear.

We think,

“They would have loved this…”

And we smile for them, on their behalf.

And someday,

after mastering the winds,

the waves,

the tides and gravity,

we shall harness for God

the energies of love.

And then for the second time in the history of the world,

humans will have discovered fire."

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


(Thank you Patrizia for sending me this piece.)


9 responses to “The Silver Dark Sea”

  1. Beautiful…

  2. Beautiful…

  3. THIS IS BEAUTIFUL…. TO QUOTE BOB DYLAN “….LIKE IT WAS WRITTEN IN MY SOUL FROM ME TO YOU….” words like that piece the soul and allow all that is in there out to take flight and all that is out there to come in –the ties that bind some people don’t get it because it is not of them -for them their message is different …this is one of the most profound things I have read…simply beautiful!

  4. absolutely beautiful.
    Big hugs and much love

  5. Oh, Corey, this could not be more perfect or lovely.

  6. Yes. Yes we do.

  7. Linda Piazza

    What a striking image.

  8. Teddee Grace

    I don’t know what you or anyone else believes, but I’m quite sure your father was there to greet your brother and that they are having a wonderful time visiting and catching up. Only those of us left behind suffer grief.

  9. Beautiful!

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