It is that lace thing again, every now and then I must show it.
The funny thing about this lace attraction of mine is I do not use it. I do not sew it on my sheets, towels,
or pillowcases.
I don't create with lace or attach it to my clothing.
Nor do I doll-up a doll with lace.
Nope, none of it. So why am I attracted to it?
It never fails, I spot it at each and every flea market.
I tell myself, "Walk on by… keep going… don't stop…"
But it is pointless, the directives I give to myself are not followed.
How many times do I find myself stooped over a box, digging through lace, ribbons, and linens?
It is a weird obsession.
Obsession yes but not to this point.
This Chick-a-Dee likes her lace.
(My nephew Warren 14 years ago)
Years ago I was happy with my lace obsession when I found this full lace, 1880 baptismal gown, and cape for my baby nephew's baptism.
Happy because he looked like a doll baby in it, and because I had seen enough lace to pick out the old stuff versus
the newer stuff. If ever you need antiquing baby clothing let me know.
Lace has such a feminine, bohemian, sweet summer feel to it.
Lace invites the desire to touch, to feel. I guess that is why it adorns undergarments it is sensual.
Sweet sexy?
How silly of me not to have some antique lacy undergarments to show you or do I?
I don't. They never are my size and I cannot stand still long enough to try them on at a brocante.
Antique lacy nightgowns, but not very sexy but perfect for summer evening bed wear and pulling weeds in the garden.
I work outside in these night/underdresses.
I knew I could find a photo of lacy undergarments.
Sorry, they are not antique.
Can you imagine paying 37 euros for a string of course that doesn't sound crazy expensive unless
you are crazy about spending your money on other things like antiques instead? French Husband I bet would rather I spent 37 euros on a string
instead of old lace that sits in a box under my bed.
Boy, how did I go from talking about my obsession with lace to talking about what my French Husband thinks?
My mind is like that… it wanders. Okay, I gotta get back on track French antique lace and why I collect it and don't use it.
Maybe I'll forego my oversized, antique nightgowns that look like parachutes and dream up something different with lace.
I gotta stop now maybe my obsession with lace is a hidden desire (!!)
I always knew my blog was my therapist but hey Corey there are others sitting around this couch listening.
Are you into lace?
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