Breakfast Croissant



Slippers wearing slippers outside.

Wisteria petal ground.

His other grandmother's scarf.

Likes to stand while eating breakfast.

Croissant from the baker down the road.

Happy sunny day.


12 responses to “Breakfast Croissant”

  1. Kathie B

    Hey Gabriel, wanna share some of that with your Tante Kathie? I haven’t had a croissant since before the pandemic lockdown…

  2. Jennifer Phillipps

    My Scottish Grandmother would have said “What a cough drop”….he is cute!

  3. Patrizia

    My beautiful bambino 🥰

  4. A ray of sunshine! He gets more adorable by the day. Thanks for making me smile.

  5. Teddee Grace

    He is something else! Loving the scarf. Very French!

  6. Thanks for making me smile this morning…such total cuteness!

  7. That boy!!! Growing so much, more adorable by the day. You, my friend, are blessed.

  8. Charland

    Too cute for words.

  9. Chico Sue

    What a wonderful way to start the day with this happy, beautiful young man!

  10. Fat Rabbit

    What a Buddha belly! Love this picture of your cutie

  11. Leslie in Oregon

    Gabriel is an all-around Great Kid!! (And he does wonderful justice to that scarf!)

  12. I just want to squeeze him and tweek those cheeks.
    He makes me smile.

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