Antique Glass Top Candy Boxes

Candy bx


These charming 1800s glass top hand-painted scene boxes were for chocolates;

They are made out of "carton" hardbound paper with golden paper lace strips to add richness to the paper form.

These were on sale at an auction that I watched online which has become my new binge-watching addiction.


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They sold for over 200 euros each.

That is some sweet chocolate in those once filled boxes.


Candy bx


Sure beats the wrapping of chocolate these days.

Do you think someone will binge watch an auction 

of candy wrappers?

 Almond Joy 200 Euros going once, going twice, SOLD .


Candy bx



Candy bx


I rarely wee these at the brocantes, though when I do they are 

still out of my price range. They are sought after.


Candy bx



here is one for sale.

If you buy it put my name inside for safekeeping.



Candy bx



Which is your favorite?


What is your favorite candy?

Did you ever save lollipop wrappers?


Candy bx


To see more look here on pinterest.


Candy bxCandy bx

French 19th Century Eglomise Bonbon Boxes

without candy

but still deliciously delightful!


5 responses to “Antique Glass Top Candy Boxes”

  1. OooOOOoooOoOooh!
    A beautiful young couple being presented or introduced to who know who not too far from the pyramids? Yes please! I want to be at that party! If you’d like to toss in some chocolate covered dates or figs, that would seem quite appropriate, but I’ll also accept chocolate dipped caramels! Thank you! : )

  2. Ed Schnurbusch

    I started watching local online auctions about a year ago. There are about 6 different auction houses in the Chico and Red Bluff area. The newest craze is over stock and returns auctions from places like Amazon and Walmart. I love estate auctions.

  3. Something else I didn’t know I needed. I’ve never seen these before. Such lovely little works of art. It would be so wonderful to receive chocolate in one!
    I hope you stumble upon an affordable box one day! Michelle

  4. Garden Decor

    Nice, Very Cute couple are they. Nice Post with Innovative Magical Words.

  5. TerriNTexas

    I love things like this! Keep posting. I love all French antiques. Like you, lace, lace, lace!!!

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