So Much in Love in Sharing



I never know if what I write will resound with others,

I wonder if I have gone too far, or not enough

the words spill out without filter

that is my impulsive side – I think out loud

One word tumbling over the other


letting off steam

It helps me and I am glad if it helps you too.

Thank you for your comments, for your messages, it sounds

like we are all in this together and that feels like a needed hug.





13 responses to “So Much in Love in Sharing”

  1. Corey, your words are always a comfort to me whether you are happy, delighted, joyful, thoughtful, full or wonder, scared (dogs) or sad. I hope you will never silence your feelings on your blog. You are always authentic and I love that about you. When my mom died this past year it has made me think about my own mortality as well as those I love. Also, I think for me it’s because more of my life is behind me than what’s left to live.
    That makes me think about my life more than I used to. I hope the sun comes out soon. It eventually does so I hang into that for now. Big hugs…

  2. Lynn Jackson

    I hope that the notes (regarding my husband’s 7 month hospitalization) that I sent to you and your sister-in-law several months ago helped. I have felt your pain for a very long time. I lost my mother (age 52, breast cancer), my brother
    (age 32, melanoma), and my best friend (age 30, ovarian cancer), all within a two year period. My view of life altered during that time and it has been my guiding light ever since…..Gratitude for each and every day and the strength to face whatever that day may bring.

  3. Debbie Lawton

    Hi Corey
    Thank you for your last two posts – to read your post – so honestly written, with emotions so honest and raw, that reflect one’s own – is so reassuring. Very touching reading about your Mum too – she is a pillar of strength! Take care and know we share the sadness and love. Thank you.Debbie

  4. Ana Jacas

    We often forget that suffering is not isolated to us. Unfortunately in isolation we have become isolated from everything including recognising our shared experiences. It has become so much easier to distance ourselves and become so introverted that the rest of the world fades away and the sense of being alone is magnified. It takes a word to reach out and you do that everyday, reminding us that we are not alone, a lighthouse for our feelings guiding us home. X

  5. Nikki Maxwell

    Gorgeous Corey, yours is one of the only blogs I read daily.
    I’m sure I’m not an island there with your readers! We may not comment often but it’s a pleasure to get to know you, your family, your happiness, your sadness and your sentiments on a daily basis.
    A pleasure and a privilege.
    Big hugs

  6. We are all in this together my darling………..I love all you share with us

  7. I cannot thank you enough, Corey, for sharing your life with us. Your blessings
    and sorrows. I know I have read your words all these years because you are
    a bright spot in my day. You are a caretaker, but please take care of you. ❤️

  8. Dearest Corey…Your words are a daily gift to me. Bless you for thoughtfully sharing what your heart is feeling. I share so much of what you wrote in your last two posts. You are right, we are in this together, friend. I will be waiting for you out in your garden.
    Sending love, prayers and hugs from afar.

  9. Teddee Grace

    This flower is so gorgeous. The petals look like silk.

  10. Darling Corey, your lovely, heartfelt words begin my day and it is so comforting to know that somewhere, out there, is a person feeling the same way. Whether it is about the beauty of a morning walk or the heartache of the loss of loved ones. Thank you for sharing your words AND lovely photos. BTW, I made a perennial meditation garden for myself and HAD to put a St. Francis statue in it. Once and I guess always, a Catholic. Ha!

  11. ChicagoSheila

    So nice to know we are not alone. I once read somewhere that if we all put our troubles in a bag and put our bag in a pile, after we read what was in everyone else’s bag, we’d grab our own bag of troubles back. No one wants them, but we all have our own issues.

  12. Kathie B

    “…I wonder if I have gone too far, or not enough / the words spill out without filter…”
    These days our feelings and words are running the gamut of extremes from grief and despair to laughter and absurdity. We’re devastated when someone we love becomes sick, even dies, and at the same time we also recall the person’s sublimely silliest moments.
    So I think your observation is perfectly normal. Either that, or else we’re both in a heap o’ trouble. 😉

  13. Your post are a daily communion of sorts though I don’t comment often. Thank you for the couple of post sharing your feelings. Society focuses much on clarity and light. But we learn a lot about ourselves when we allow ourselves to sit in the darkness with our thoughts. Ambiguity teaches us lessons and helps us process grief and unknowns.
    Thank you for sharing the path your on. Think of you, your family and Marty often. xo

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