Not Even Four Months…


No she is not having twins.

Chelsea was this size when she was

eight months pregnant with Gabriel.

But she is the same weight at four months

as she was with Gabriel at four months-

Chelsea says that she looks this big 

because she had burrito(s) for dinner.


How big will she grow?

Chelsea asked, 

“What fruit is bigger than a watermelon?”




12 responses to “Not Even Four Months…”

  1. Poor thing!
    That said, I looked the same way. The minute I got pregnant my body just rolled with it and I had a huge belly the entire time for all 6 pregnancies! Just mercy though, it wasn’t easy. She has all of my empathy with an extra dose of whatever she needs for comfort!

  2. Marilyn

    She is looking good. The muscles just know what to do this time around.
    This to shall pass.

  3. There is something wonderful about a growing baby bump…but I do recall a neighbouring farmer asking me if I was having a baby…or a tractor,and Dutch farmer husband’s theory was that pregnant cows looked larger when carrying female calves. Result 9 lbs 7oz.girl

  4. She looks adorable!

  5. Jennifer Phillipps

    She certainly carries it well! Have another round of Burritos to keep things growing! Cheers Jennifer

  6. She looks lovely. A happy healthy baby growing in there………..My Son was nine pounds at birth and my belly was big. I loved being pregnant and fell madly in love with my Son from the minute I held him. That has never changed. Big hugs and much love to you all

  7. Ed Schnurbusch

    Just how many burritos did she have ?

  8. I agree with Franki as soon as you made the announcement and then the beginning was a little different from Gabriel i though it is a girl …. we shall see…..

  9. Julie Schmidt

    so exciting! Congratulations!

  10. Donna Boucher

    Wonderful news!! A new baby to love.

  11. It must be a second child thing. With my first, I was into the third trimester before needing maternity clothes. With the second, I needed them the day after conception !
    She looks marvelous growing another healthy, beautiful human being.

  12. Paulita

    Congratulations! So excited for you.

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