Happy Day with Gabriel and Chelsea

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Gabriel has a thing for boats

everything he sees he sees as a boat and why not

most the things would float like a cereal bowl for example.

One of his favorite things to do is to go to the Seine and watch the boats. Which we did. 


8 responses to “Happy Day with Gabriel and Chelsea”

  1. Jennifer Phillipps

    Nice to see their happy faces, lovely that you can be together and enjoy as many moments as possible as he grows and changes day by day! Cheers Jennifer

  2. How wonderful. Row row row your boat gently down the stream.
    How fabulous is family time. Much love to you all

  3. Does he love Luxembourg Gardens where t kids put in t little boats. How is Paris, Corey?

  4. Happy indeed…nothing more precious than the joy of family!

  5. Sweet, sweet boy and such a lovely Mom. So glad you can spend time together boat watching.💕💕💕

  6. Marilyn

    Boats are indeed a good thing to be fascinated with. I would love them too at that age and even at my own age. I see someone asked about the boats at Luxembourg Gardens. I can certainly see him there just enchanted.

  7. May they always travel the road of happiness 💞

  8. What great pictures of such a happy baby and happy mom!!🎈💕❤️

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