Month: May 2021
Bloom Here I Did
Bloom where you land. Bloom with the tiny seed, dirt, and rain. Trust in the elements that present themselves to you. So I did when I discovered the brocante. That was the beginning of truly falling in love with…
Inspirational Michaela de Prince’s Story
Michaela De Prince such an incredible story of survival and pursuit of happiness. To be able to see light in a place of darkness, to be able to hold on against all odds and become her higher…
Wallpaper Adventure
The room has no natural light so the photos are not the best. Yann said it reminds him of his Aunt's home where the wallpaper is old, peeling, and well looks like this. I told him I remembered…
Wallpaper Adventure Number 10000000000000000 (Maybe minus a bunch of zeros)
A rainy day, more or less the entire day, gave me permission to stay indoors and dive into a long-awaited project giving it chance to become. I had two more walls to wallpaper . Those of you who have been…
The Queen of Hearts
Dear Mom, Witty, generous, faithful, constant … soft heart but strong. Breakfast, lunch, a "treat" at four, and dinner was made with a homemade dessert, Our home was full of your creative touches and flowers from the garden were on…