The French Language


EF – Live The Language – Paris from Albin Holmqvist on Vimeo.



10 responses to “The French Language”

  1. Kathie B


  2. Ella in Nice

    Well, if I didn’t already live in France (and study the language) this sweet film would seal the deal for me!
    Bonne semaine à tous,

  3. I can’t wait!

  4. Oh sure, now that I’m well past my prime you tell me that if I learned French in high school I would have found a handsome French boyfriend.

  5. I love this video and thank you for sharing
    Much love

  6. RebeccaNYC

    so cute

  7. Love it! I want to be there!

  8. Sweet!💕

  9. Angela Vular

    Love this so much! Dreaming of the day I’ll see France….

  10. Chico Sue

    Thank you, Corey for sending this delightful video. It made me weep with joy. A young girl living a life many can only dream of, and some actually fulfilling that dream, like yourself! Have a great day!

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