Worn Smooth

worn smooth

Certainly, a person wore this since their baptism

Because the medal has been worn

 smooth on both sides.


Imagine the prayers that brought confidence

because who would wear a religious medal all their life if they didn’t have a knowing in faith?


Blog  reader Ellen has this psalm on her FB

« … why would I fear the future

for I am being 

pursued only by your goodness 

and unfailing love. »

psalm 23:6


The newer translation sparks the psalm anew.

Maybe if I mediate that I am being pursued by goodness and unfailing love 

I would sit down and let it pour over me.

When I am in doubt I am going to try this

When I am scared I am going to try this.

and why not anytime? ok ok ok.

Imaging goodness and unfailing love pursuing me 

the challenge it on.

Are you in ?







13 responses to “Worn Smooth”

  1. Yes I am Corey … we are the beloved… imagine if we truly lived that TRUTH!

  2. Yes I am dear friend.
    My faith is very important to me…………
    May angels protect us and troubles neglect us and prayers always our prayers
    Love Jeanne

  3. Betty Anderson


  4. Susan in Zurich

    I’m in!

  5. Oui; I’m in.
    Bonne fin de semaine,

  6. Cynthia Thompson

    I am so very in! Thanks Corey

  7. Anne @musicandmarkets


  8. I’m in ——wholeheartedly!! Thank you, Corey!!

  9. It is hard to fathom the one true God pursuing us, right? And yet, He does! Awesome to consider, a blessing to know. Count me in.

  10. Cathleen

    Qui – absolutely!

  11. Yes.

  12. Elizabeth Schaeffer

    Amen, I’m in.

  13. Donna Boucher

    Is this sold Corey?
    If not, I am interested.

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