Putting Baby to Sleep


Reassured him over and over

that his mommy and daddy were coming home after the wedding~

and that he would see them after his sleep.

Sang “Row row row your boat…” countless times-

as he has a thing for boats.

Whispered the story of Goldilocks

more time than Row row row your boat…

I changed the storyline a bit as I couldn’t remember the ending so I simply said that when baby bear found Goldilocks in his bed he giggled and climbed in bed with his mommy and went to sleep. How does it end? I left out the broken chair too… there is a broken chair right?

Gabriel sleeps with his parents so this is a big step sleeping with me. He is a hot potato kicking off the covers. I am on the edge of the bed and he is a barnacle!


13 responses to “Putting Baby to Sleep”

  1. He looks like a little angel…

  2. Diogenes

    Goldilocks…hmmm…something, something, the chair is just right…there’s a few bears in there, or is it a wolf? Porridge, she ate porridge. That’s all I remember.
    So great that you are starting him on English! Bi-lingual a great skill.

  3. Fantastic picture of the cherub. Goldilocks…hmmm…I’m looking it up right now. Hiw does rhT story go????

  4. Irene Thomas

    The bear family decided that their porridge was way too hot, so they decided to take a small walk while it cooled. Goldilocks was wandering through the woods and found their house door opened. She stepped inside and saw three chairs. She sat in the largest, it was way too hard. The middle one was way too soft, and the tiny chair was just right, but while she was sitting on it, the chair broke. She then sat at the table where she tried the big bowl of porridge, way to hot, middle bowl was way too cold, and the tiny bowl was just right, so she ate it all up. She yawned and felt tired so she wandered into the bedroom. The big bed was way too hard, the middle was way too soft, and the tiny bed felt just right. She fell asleep. … The momma, poppa and baby bear returned home and said. Somebody’s been sitting in my chair, poppa bear said. Somebody’s been sitting in my chair, said Momma Bear, and baby bear said, Somebody’s been sitting in my chair and broke it all up. Same thing happens at the diningroom table, until baby bear said “Somebody’s been eating my porridge and ate it all up. They went into the bedroom, and the same thing happened until baby bear said. Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed … and there she is. Goldilocks woke up and ran as fast as she could away from the Bear’s House. The astonished bears cleaned everything up! (Last sentence is mine.) This may be the Golden Book version.

  5. Diogenes

    Thank you Irene for this Cliff Notes version! I’d forgotten the story. What then is the moral of it? Don’t sleep at the scene of a crime, lolol…

  6. How adorable this post.
    I am sure he had sweet dreams with a little coaxing
    Love Jeanne

  7. Patrizia

    My beautiful adorable bambino 🥰

  8. Sweet. Once I was visiting my sister when her two sons were very little and they wanted to share my pullout couch bed. One was dressed as Superman with cape and a sword. I was in the middle. They were like barnacles so I squeezed out from between them and slept across the foot of the mattress. By morning the little barnacles had rotated and migrated to lie up against me at the bottom of the bed. Cute but not a very good sleep.

  9. Hi Corey. My granddaughter is a month younger than Gabriel and since her name is Goldie, I made a book called “Goldie and the Three Bears. It ended with Goldie inviting them all to her house for pancakes as an apology for eating their breakfast!

  10. I’m pretty sure they became best of friends and lived happily ever after.

  11. I so love the snippets of life with your sweet babe! 💕

  12. Chico Sue

    How I remember these times of love and frustration with my grandchildren as babies and toddlers. My daughter and her son came to live with us for a year when she and her husband were trying to work things out. Our grandson was beginning kindergarten and I would walk him to school and I remember telling him that holding his little hand in mine was one of my favorite feelings in the whole wide world. Years later, when he was a senior in high school, he bought tickets for the two of us to see a performance at the local University. As we were walking to the auditorium, he took my hand in his and the memory of his little hand, which was now quite large, came rushing back.

  13. Marilyn

    Sweet little one.
    Their bed is going to be quite full when the new little one comes along.
    So glad he has you to sing and tell him stories. I often forget song words, so make up my own words too.

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