Happiness is….

happiness is


Happiness is…



(IF you haven't read yesterday's comments, go do so now. )



6 responses to “Happiness is….”

  1. Celeste Coelho

    Hey Corey, daughter Celeste and I just made an offer on a house on 20 acres in Corning! M a y b e…we’ll see you in September! 🤗

  2. Such a sweet little love
    Blessings to you all

  3. Jacqueline

    I understand . I have two grandchildren that are the reason my heart beats.
    We are blessed! 🙏

  4. Sweet, sweet boy. You are blessed.

  5. Teddee Grace

    I created a g-mail category called Inspiration and often move your e-mails with photos of this cutie into that category. He is an inspiration.

  6. Susan in Zurich

    He’s a joy-bringer, for sure.
    We have dear friends, here, that have become our “family”.
    The 3 kiddos, call us Auntie and Uncle.
    Which is a joy to hear
    I adore my family in the States, and miss them. And I am grateful for friends who are like family.
    Both are a gift ❤️

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