Name Baby Girl


Chelsea and Martin are having a baby girl towards the end of October.

When a woman is pregnant the questions center around:

Is it a boy or a girl?

Do you have a name picked out?

I thought you might like to know what they plan to name her… but they are not telling.

Though they gave us some clues as to what they think they will name her. But as any of us who

have had a baby knows the name can change at the last minute. Nevertheless, as of today, the name remains.

Please take a guess, and in October when Baby Girl arrives those of you who guessed correctly I will send you 

a little gift. Please put your guesses in the comment section or by email.


The baby girl name starts with one of these letters

L  M  N  O  P  

the name has three syllables,

and it is not in the top ten baby names in France.

Which Gabriel is still the number one baby boy name

and Emma remains the number one girl name and has so for years.








61 responses to “Name Baby Girl”

  1. Judy McGowan — aportmanteau

    First thing to mind is Marguerite. An elegant name for a little French girl.

  2. Maybe a baby Natalie?

  3. Lily and congratulations on the little girl arriving soon.
    God bless you all

  4. Madeline! All the best to you and your beautiful family!

  5. Diane Belforte Lewis


  6. Ophélie?

  7. Philomène
    I can’t resist your guessing games. Is the pink heart a clue?

  8. Lynn Jackson

    My initial question, hope, and prayer upon learning of a pregnancy is always, always…… Please dear God, let this baby AND mama continue to be healthy. Nothing beyond that truly matters.

  9. Leonine, Mimosa,Natala, Olivine, Philomine, though Pastis would be a hoot. Pati for short!

  10. Oh dear, my guess is also Leonine. I love that name.

  11. Laura gallaghet

    Do think your Moms name. Best wishes,

  12. Penelope

  13. Slosar Mary Ann


  14. Barbara St. Aubrey

    Blessings that all goes well for this growing family and God’s grace surrounds Chelsea and her baby – My thought for this child’s name that is not on the current most popular list is Monique

  15. Micheline is my guess.

  16. Lea ❤️

  17. Monique? Madeline? Lillibet?

  18. Paloma, which means “dove; a symbol of peace”.

  19. Natasha

  20. Martine
    in Erinnerung an Bruder Marty
    Greetings from Germany

  21. Whatever her name is it will suit her. But I
    guess Madeline.❤️

  22. Olivia is my guess. Greetings from the Netherlands

  23. Lillianne

  24. julie Danford


  25. Bonjour ! I think Nathalie 🙂
    Felicitations !

  26. Texas Francophile

    Love the name Madeleine

  27. Madeleine

  28. Melissa Cooney


  29. Elizabeth Schaeffer

    I think Noemie, winsome, pleasant.
    I don’t know how to put the
    acute accent symbol above the “e” from my keyboard!
    Or Madeline, my grangdaughter’s name.

  30. Rosemarie Foley

    Madeleine. If I had a girl I would have named her Magdalen after my beloved grandmother, so to suggest “Madeleine” was my first gut thought for Gabriel’s sister. 💕

  31. Marina Gruenman


  32. Marguerite, my grandmother’s name.

  33. Cheryl A Edwards


  34. Nathalie

  35. RebeccaNYC

    Martha, for Marty.

  36. RebeccaNYC


  37. My first guess, Natalie ❤️
    I hope all goes well with the pregnancy and delivery.

  38. TerriNTexas

    Naomi, Melinda, Oksana, Priscilla, Lydia

  39. Naomi or Madeline? She will be a beautiful baby!!!

  40. Linnea, from the children’s book? Patricia? Olivia? I think Gabriel and Olivia sound nice together! Good health to mother and baby!

  41. Vicki Crown

    Penelope! My first granddaughter is named Penelope and it was not one of my favorites. My Penelope will be 9 years old this year and of course I love it now!
    Thank you for your wonderful blog. I love reading it!

  42. All girls names sound so lovely in French. I venture to guess Natalie as did many before me. Are we on the right wavelength? Many blessings to you and your growing family.

  43. Natalie or Louisa

  44. Nancy McBee

    Natalia. I cannot wait to see how beautiful she will be!!

  45. Noémie or Pénélope (one of my daughter’s favourite books!).

  46. Nicolette or Micaela

  47. Lynn Hicks

    Liliane or Madeline

  48. Christine Frieze

    Olivia is my guess. So happy a little girl is joining the family. Having had 2 myself, I’m partial to girls ♥️

  49. Liana. Mélanie. Marielle. Nathalie. Olivia. Patrina. And although it doesn’t being with L-P, nor does it have three syllables, I admire the French name Sandrine.

  50. Mirabelle

  51. Stephanie M

    Lisette Madeline Nathalie Olivia Patrice
    Sorry to be late💖🌸

  52. Dawn Fleming

    My guess is also Ophélie or Ophelia.

  53. sarah webb

    Madeline or Marjolet or Marjo (not 3 syllables ) I know a Marisa and a Maris
    Nicolette Nicoletta
    Paloma or Penelope

  54. Julia Thelen


  55. Julia Thelen

    Or Naomie

  56. Lillian is my choice, but I also think they might want to honor your mother or brother.

  57. Nathalie
    Like a chime in my mind

  58. I’m leaning towards Marguerite or Madeleine. However – what is your mothers first and middle name and what is your middle name – possibilities?

  59. Anne Jeffries

    What lovely news. Many blessings. I will guess Patricia, a gentle and old-fashion name.

  60. Everyone does love to enter your guessing games!!
    I choose Lillian.. my first granddaughter’s name.

  61. Helene Daniels

    I think she will be Madeline or Martine

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