On Your Mark…

Arles, French la Vie Corey Amaro

We spent the day wandering around Arles.

As any of you who have had children know that when you go anywhere with a toddler you spend

most your time wandering after them.

We knew that

and the day went as planned.




Arles, French la Vie Corey Amaro


Arles, French la Vie Corey Amaro


Arles, French la Vie Corey Amaro

Arles, French la Vie Corey Amaro



Arles, French la Vie Chelsea took this photo


Chelsea took this photo.

Ask me how many times we raced and I will tell you…

Enough where he was winning at the end.


14 responses to “On Your Mark…”

  1. What a beautiful place to wander…and race!

  2. Love ARLES. Thanks for the memories…

  3. Chico Sue

    Oh, the wonderful places our grandchildren will take us! And oh, how much they will teach us!

  4. Great moments and memories to last forever.
    Much love always and many blessings
    Love Jeanne

  5. Jennifer Phillipps

    Lovely photos of some beautiful little streets and very good racing from you both! Jennie

  6. What a wonderful day, just to wander and enjoy.
    Very beautiful pictures, Arles looks like an interesting city to explore.

  7. Go, Grammy, go. If I had known you liked to race, I would have raced you on that trip to Arles so many years ago. What wonderful memories..

  8. Teddee Grace

    What a fun and beautiful way to get exercise! I had to go back and look at all of those previous posts. Now when is his sister due?

  9. Nice place to wander. Mark and I once followed a cat through the alleys of Venice, way off the tourist routes. We saw a lady open her door and let the cat out. It then wandered for nearly a mile before it jumped a wall and was let into another home. Apparently it was working two good hearts for two dinners every night.

  10. Such a joy! Thanks for sharing it all with us.

  11. LOVELY…What more can you as for ? ! ? !

  12. Annette (Toni) Mason

    nice legs!

  13. How lovely!
    The little ones do keep us running.

  14. Stubblejumpers Cafe

    Great legs, Corey!

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