The Original Annie Hall


13 responses to “The Original Annie Hall”

  1. Deanna Bailey

    Wonderful video! I subscribed to Self when I was in college.

  2. I LOVED THIS! I just went over to amazon for the book she referenced….i need to be fresh there are a few- oh goodness her style her ethos HER HEART!

  3. I love her. Thank you


    I am breathless, thank you so much for this Corey xx

  5. Julie Danford

    Loved this! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thank you for all you share.
    Much love and many blessings
    Love Jeanne

  7. Jennifer Phillipps

    Amazing! I have always loved the way Ralph Lauren creates a look and now I see where he gets some of his inspiration..Jennie

  8. Melissa Cooney

    Such a wonderful original who knows who she is. Such a joy.

  9. Natalie Thiele

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! She is incredible! And watching her video led to another, and another, and another… down the most fabulous rabbit hole.

  10. I love her style and that she loves her home full of treasures. In my life I’m in the process of decluttering so all I think of when I see this video is ‘Wow, what a lot of stuff’. Beautiful, interesting stuff, but still stuff. I think she gets joy from everything she owns so Marie Kondo would have to let her keep everything.

  11. Nancy Doherty

    I can see by others comments that they love what she does and I too find her style interesting to say the least but is this just a form of hoarding or stylist hoarding? it just was interesting to me! what do you all think?

  12. Well, La-Di-Dah! “Alexa, play Annie Hall.” Thank you for sharing this…

  13. Judy McGowan—aportmanteau

    Thanks, Corey, for posting this video, which I enjoyed seeing very much. I have been a fan of Mary Randolph Carter for many years and have all of her books except the most recent one. She is really a great gal and a highly esteemed collector of great finds. A role model for those of us who are always on the hunt!

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