Autumn Cometh

Via Rebecca NYC

Remember Rebecca the opera singer from the Met?

After a long lockdown-

She has been singing again.







11 responses to “Autumn Cometh”

  1. I’ve been following Rebecca on Instagram throughout the shutdown. Celebrating with her and hope one day to meet!

  2. RebeccaNYC

    I am so glad this photograph speaks to you as much as it did to me, Corey. There are many things that I feel I need to let go of, and the beauty of Autumn always reminds me that it is safe to do so.
    Yes, the Met is back! And I could not be happier. Our very first performance in the opera house was on September 11, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the attacks. With the amazing Met Orchestra and soloists conducted by our music director, Yannick Nezet-Seguin, we performed the Requiem by Verdi, which is a powerful, emotional setting of the Mass for the dead. It was such a moving experience on so many levels. When the chorus started to enter to take our seats on stage, the audience burst into applause which increased until everyone in the house was standing and cheering. We had not even started to sing and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the 4000 seat house.
    We are now in full swing with rehearsals and performances. The Met is taking extraordinary precautions, with testing twice a week and vaccination requirements for every. single. person. entering the building. Employees, audience, even delivery people MUST prove that they have been vaccinated. Unless we are singing on the stage in costume, everyone in the building is required to be masked at all times. I feel very safe in this environment, and so grateful to be able to make music with the most incredible artists in the world.
    If you are so inclined, our very first HD performance of Boris Godunov will be this coming Saturday and will be broadcast live across the globe. If you go to you can get full details about where you can see this performance and all others (both live in the opera house and in HD on the screen) that are on offer.
    Sending you much love, always.

  3. Wonderful!

  4. jend’isère

    Stunning. Thank you RebeccaNYC for singing out such news.I will tune in.

  5. Oh, Corey & Rebecca!!!
    This speaks to me on SO MANY levels!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU BOTH!!!
    And, so strange…and another beautiful, golden thread…weaving & weaving yet, and stilll…Yannick is also the music director of the Philadelphia Orchestra….and while I have seen him several times in Philadelphia, I’ve never been to the Met (and, in a most naive way, didn’t realize his NY connection!!! Hahahaha…chalk it up to Philacentricity….oops!) This is a true delight!
    Smiling…. 🙂

  6. This is such wonderful, happy news! There is nothing better than making music with others, and Verdi’s Requiem is a fantastic way to do it! Happy for you, Rebecca!

  7. Texasfrancophile

    Powerful and true! Congratulations Rebecca and thank u

  8. To everything, there is a season…

  9. Wonderful to read about your 11th September performance. Will look on the Met site to watch.
    Trees are true reminders of how to live life.

  10. Yes, an important message and a heartfelt congratulations to Rebecca on her return to the Met!

  11. Julie Schmidt

    How lovely the leaves grow in their last days! I love your message of letting go. It is beautiful to let go and move forward!

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