Beaujolais Nouveau, is the first wine of the season to be uncorked. It is a big deal in France. An honored tradition. Every year on the third Thursday of November, you can hear Beaujolais Nouveau being poured, followed by a lively conversation about this years grapes. Predictions are set in place regarding the flavor of Beaujolais Nouveau as an indicator: Is it going to be a good year for wine or not?
The Burgundy Reporter said, "Vintage 2021 – A vintage of frost, hail in places, and much lower yields – the cooler, wetter weather requiring more grape triage but the result is wines that are clean and attractive with good acidity – more elegantly proportioned than the most recent vintages with a stronger spine of acidity."
Christine S. what do you think of this years vintage?
(As I rarely drink wine because of migraines which I haven't had since stopping caffeine and alcohol.)
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