

Nearly three months old.


Olivia sleeps.

Gabriel… well that is another story.

Two babies, two very different personalities.

Same parents.

When you have a baby you can truly see that they are their own person.

Olivia sleeps.





15 responses to “Olivia”

  1. Like an angel, I am might add…

  2. Suzan Rennie Stoddard

    My goodness they make beautiful children!

  3. ❤ Precious!

  4. Sweet baby.

  5. Susan in Zurich

    She’s a darling ❤️

  6. Cynthia Thompson

    Beautiful baby girl! So true! My children were so very different, but such a joy to learn them both.

  7. Precious grand angels.
    Truly blessed
    Much love

  8. Sigh!

  9. Oh, so very, very sweet.

  10. Ana Maria

    She is truly beautiful. God bless her.

  11. ….and she must be dreaming a beautiful dream.

  12. Olivia is what angels look like…..precious!

  13. Annette (Toni) Mason

    That is the most beautiful angel baby picture I have ever seen! Precious Love

  14. Precious babe. ❤️

  15. Sweet little one!

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