Gabriel was squishing and rolling, and cutting and patting play-doh oto a board as Chelsea and I talked about the day.
Then he stopped, stepped back and said to Chelsea that he wanted to hang it in his room, he needed a nail and a hammer.
Chelsea affirmed his artwork saying they could go to his room and find a place to put it.
It took me a split second to conclude that Gabriel wanting a hammer, a nail, to hang his art meant he was into interior design! I jumped on that bandwagon, "Yes, let's hang it!"
Chelsea suggested leaning it against the wall or putting it on the mantle, or setting it on the bookshelf as I chirped, "Oh let's hang it here above your bed, or there in the center of your room. Let's get a hammer, do you have a nail?" Chelsea knew what I was up to and gave me that sideways look to say stop it. But I was having too much fun instigating, I mean seriously, Grandmothers are meant to stretch the boundaries. I need someone in the family who likes interior design. Gabriel and I walked around his room looking at the different spots and angles to hang it. But at the end (all of three minutes) he settled on leaning it against the hand-me-down dollhouse that he uses to park his toy cars and trucks and his artwork.
Three minutes of fantasy.
Playdoh on a board and my imagination went wild.
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